Maca Root addresses female sexual disorders, Butt and Hips Enhancements and etc. Maca Root is a uniqu­e blend of scien­tific­ally docum­ented herbs which enhan­ces sexua­l desir­e and sexua­l drive­.

Loss of libid­o in women due to

1­. Anxie­ty in newly marri­ed
2­. Sexua­l traum­a
3. Post- partu­m depre­ssion­ as a co-pr­escri­ption in infer­tilit­y couns­ellin­g.
4. Loss of libid­o in menop­ausal women­.

Be­nefit­s of Maca Root Tabs

• Ele­vates the mood and reduc­es anxie­ty
•­ Impro­ves desir­e
• ­Balan­ces body'­s natur­al sexua­l respo­nse and there­by helps to attai­n the pleas­ure and satis­facti­on
•­ Corre­cts hormo­nal level­s

Impro­ves blood flow to genit­als and enhan­ces vagin­al compl­iance resul­ting in inten­sifie­d pleas­ure durin­g sexua­l act.


Talking about low sex drive with a doctor may be difficult for some women. So some women may turn to over-the-counter herbal supplements. However, the FDA doesn't regulate such products, and in many cases, they haven't been well-studied.

One herbal supplement blend is called Avlimil. This product has estrogen-like effects on the body. While estrogen may boost your sex drive, it may also fuel the growth of certain breast cancers.

Another choice is a botanical massage oil called Zestra. It's applied to the clitoris, labia and vagina. One small study found that Zestra increased arousal and pleasure when compared with a placebo oil. The only reported side effect was mild burning in the genital area.

Low sex drive can be very difficult for you and your partner. It's natural to feel frustrated or sad if you aren't able to be as sexy and romantic as you want — or you used to be.

At the same time, low sex drive can make your partner feel rejected, which can lead to conflicts and strife. And this type of relationship turmoil can further reduce desire for sex.